Email Archive

Simone Biles showed us how to have our own back

For a moment, the greatest gymnast of all time floats in the air, as if time has slowed down just to watch her perform. Then suddenly time speeds back up again and Simone Biles is twisting and spinning, defying gravity with impossible grace.

Oopsie Boopsie No-go Logo

Once upon a time I designed 50 logo options for a company, only for the client to stick with the logo they already had, before we broke up! I used to feel sorry for myself. Now I see all the ways I made a booboo and all the lovely lessons I got to learn.

The Long Hard Stupid Way

I heard about a chef who likes to do things ‘the long, hard, stupid way’. So they do things like baking their own bread or making their own pastry. They slow things down to deliver a tastier experience. Here’s how I’m slowing down to beat the rush.

How to Be Nice to Ourselves

Someone asked me this week what self compassion looks like. "For those of us who aren't used to exercising it, how do we know what being nice to ourselves looks like?"

How (Not) to Set a New Routine

It’s important to put the practice in when things are going well, coz when things are going badly, all we can do is react. There’s no capacity for planning. There’s no point trying to build a house in the middle of a tornado.

The Home Stretch is the Hardest

For 9,600 meters Patrick Tiernan runs bravely alongside the leaders of the pack, hunting a medal. It's the 10,000m final of the Tokyo Olympics and we're 24 laps down. But just as the 25th and final lap begins, the Australian national record holder drifts off the pace, watching in desperation as the pack sprints away.

Free to Fail

Here’s a story about how Babe Ruth was able to grow from a rookie pitcher with no game time to one of baseball’s most celebrated batters, who’s records lasted for almost half a century.

Mr Jellybean

When we make a mess, it's easy to feel like a mess. And when we feel like a mess, it's easy to sit in one! I wrote an email last monday called 'Crash & Learn' and then spent the next week procrastinating my bum off and bingeing on youtube. So I wrote a poem about a jellybean natch.

Crash and Learn

Maybe making a mess is just part of the job. It's a part of trying something new. It's what happens when you explore the unknown. I want to explore, to try, to give it a go, to be messy, to be free to fail.